Henna brow treatment (within 5 weeks)

Henna brow treatment (within 5 weeks)

Regular price €37,95
  • Cleaning the eyebrows.
  • Carefully measure the eyebrows.
  • Placing henna.
  • Shaping (including waxing, plucking and cutting)

If you have had a henna brow treatment with us and you return within 5 weeks for a new treatment, you will receive a discount.

Treatment duration 35 minutes

Frequently asked questions about the treatment

If you have had a henna brow treatment at (us) Perfection Elements and you return within 5 weeks for this treatment, you will receive a discount.

We can see in our system when you last visited. It is not a problem if you accidentally booked henna for 5 weeks instead of the henna treatment. The costs of the regular henna treatment will be charged if this occurred longer ago.

We first carefully clean the eyebrows, measure and mark the eyebrows with our own developed mapping method and then color the eyebrows with the henna. While the henna takes effect, we wax the eyebrows and ensure that all unwanted hairs are removed. We then cut the hair if desired and apply a small amount of concealer for the redness caused by hair removal.

Henna adheres to your skin for an average of 3 to 14 days and to your hair for 4 to 6 weeks. This depends on your skin, hair, and how you handle the aftercare advice.
By undergoing the treatment and seeing how long it lasts for you, you can schedule the appointments.

We recommend doing a henna brow treatment every 5 weeks on average so that you always have beautiful eyebrows. However, we do recommend at least 3 weeks between treatments.

Unfortunately, you are not allowed to undergo this treatment during pregnancy. Always tell us if you suspect that you are pregnant. Henna can cause a reaction or even turn green. You do not have to cancel your appointment, we often convert the appointment into a hybrid paint treatment, which you can undergo during pregnancy.

- Avoid water on the treated area for the first 48 hours.
- Do not wet your eyebrows, do not use swimming pools, steam baths or a sauna.
- Do not use eyebrow make-up for the first 48 hours.
- Touch your eyebrows as little as possible.
- Avoid the sun as much as possible for the first 48 hours, including the sunbed.
- Avoid oil products at all times, so do not use skin products with oil on your eyebrows.
- Do not rub your eyebrows with a towel after showering, but gently pat dry.
- Do not use perfumed products for the first 48 hours.

PPD allergy, Pregnancy, Flakes around eyebrows, Herpes simplex, Staphylococcus, Impetigo, Skin abscess, Follicus, Eczema in eyebrows.

If your question is not listed here, please send an email to info@perfectionelements.nl or whatsapp 0655599702